Yoga Therapy

Evidence-based, personalised yoga therapy in Vaucluse, Sydney

Therapeutic yoga practices to optimise your whole body well-being.

I offer one-on-one sessions, in-person or online, where we determine your specific health goals together. The personal practice we co-create may include breath-based yoga practices, mindfulness, and meditation, along with lifestyle and dietary modifications.

Changing habitual patterns takes time, and I work with new yoga therapy clients for a minimum of five sessions, though most continue on. Together we create a personal practice to reduce or pacify any pain or other symptoms, before addressing your innate potential to increase mental clarity and build strength and resilience.

“We are always looking for solutions outside – we hardly ever recognise that all that we need to know is already there inside us.” – Saraswathi Vasudevan

“Whilst we are all uniquely individual as human beings, the reasons we suffer are fairly universal.

Yoga therapy offers the tools to alleviate the energetic imbalances which constantly arise within us, and to heal from within.”

– Mischa, Founder Earth Sky Yoga

  • I facilitate healing that is empowering, enduring and transformative, supporting my yoga therapy clients to restore optimal wellbeing in both mind and body.

    Yoga is a proven health technique and physical activity that has great effects on overall wellness. Yoga therapy is the process of empowering individuals to progress toward improved health and wellbeing through an embodied, experiential practice of (selective) yoga techniques.

    I support you as your awareness begins to emerge, and you recognise what choices and changes may be necessary to enhance your lifestyle and increase your overall wellbeing.

  • In your yoga therapy sessions, we will address a range of issues you may be experiencing—emotional, mental, or physical. I invite you to openly discuss with me what is currently happening in your life. How are you sleeping, what you are eating, how are your energy levels, what are your usual stressors? What are your habitual daily rhythms? Are there any imbalances that need to be addressed? Then, together we design a personal practice to empower you to restore balance and move into clarity.

    I utilise an Ayurvedic framework which provides an understanding of your unique constitution. Each of us has a uniquely individual constitution, known in Sanskrit as a ‘dosha’. Your ‘dosha’ is the unique blend of personality, mindset, and physical nature that you are born with. Understanding your ‘dosha’ reveals how to best maintain your balance to stay healthy throughout your life.

    I then assess your physical movement ability and create a baseline starting point for your personal practice, along with establishing any specific goals you would like to achieve.

    Following our initial discussion and assessment, together we create a personalised yoga practice that you commit to practicing on a regular basis at home. This is the key ingredient for creating change!

    Based on your feedback and experience of the practice, we continue to modify and evolve your practice to offer you the optimal support and appropriate challenges to meet your specific health goals.

  • My yoga therapy clients usually come to me because they are experiencing physical or emotional distress. They are looking for tools and techniques to reduce that pain.

    My training in Gestalt psychotherapy supports my ability to deeply listen to my clients and encourages a dialogue that invites your own inner wisdom to emerge.

    I offer a non-judgemental and compassionate space, where I empower you to create the inner conditions for self- transformation and healing. With conscious intention and commitment to change, everyone has the chance to realise their unique potential.

    • Lower back pain

    • Scoliosis

    • Fibromyalgia

    • Asthma

    • Insomnia

    • Gastric Reflux Indigestion Constipation

    • Mental Health concerns

    • Anxiety

    • Depression

    • Anger

    • Grief

    • Women’s health Period pain

    • Infertility

    • Pregnancy

    • Breast Cancer

  • I offer new clients an initial package of 5 x 1hour sessions. Total cost: $440.

Any questions? please call me.

  • “My yoga practice with Mischa is my oasis in an otherwise hectic life! Mischa has a deep understanding of anatomy and physiology, and together with her acute intuition she is able to tailor each practice to meet your individual needs.”

    Linda, Student

  • “I thought I would never be “normal” again after a back operation, but Mischa’s expert knowledge in catering for my specific needs over this time has restored my flexibility and overall wellbeing. Thank you, Mischa!”

    Susan, client

  • “I love my regular private sessions with Mischa and can’t speak highly enough of her dedication and consistently exacting standards. Mischa brings deep technical knowledge, insight and great sensitivity to her teaching and provides a calm, peaceful and restorative environment. As well as gaining from the clear physical benefits of her yoga moves (which include enormous help with a shoulder injury), I come away from my practice feeling lighter, more focused and balanced. A wonderful way to ease life’s pressures!”

    Linda, client